JT-15 Replacement Parts

Part Selection
Replacement parts for JT-15 lower.
  1. Ambi bolt release
  2. Ambi bolt release transfer pin
  3. Ambi bolt release spring
  4. Ambi bolt release screw
  5. Threaded bolt catch screw
  6. Upper tension screw
  7. 1/16 allen-threaded rear takedown pin set screw


  • If you purchase the ambi bolt release (#11), it will automatically include #2, #3, and #4.

Recent reviews

5 out of 5 stars

good parts.

My favorite lower reciever!

Lee B.

February 13, 2024

5 out of 5 stars

Best lower

What I love about the JT-15 is that it allows to have the Hellfighter and still able to have the last round bolt hold back because of the different mag lock it uses instead of removing bolt action lever. I live in California so gotta be compliant.

David C.

February 10, 2024